Public Relations

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Many companies and individuals that we work require a chance to speak to millions of people at one time. Whether that's targeted as part of a marketing strategy or if we're in crisis communications mode, the need to reach people effectively and quickly requires our public relations specialists to truly work magic.  


Our team does it again and again--high-quality, high-visibility placements that get the attention of the masses. In this portfolio, we're featuring our work with Kevin's Pharmacy--a local pharmacy in Pittsburgh, PA, for whom we've done both strategic marketing and crisis management (Highmark removed Kevin's Pharmacy from some of their programs incorrectly), even landing Kevin the lead story on the 11 o'clock news on New Years' Day (we found out about the need for this on New Year's Eve--we're that kind of agency). Kevin's Pharmacy has been continually able to share their good deeds and hard work with all of the million+ people who live in the view area of the local media channels and the business continues to grow. 